Upon the subject of my person-She has often seemed melancholy of late, and I sense that however primitive they may be, she does have trials and fears that plague her. I wish I could bark to her words of comfort. If I could, I would tell her this;
As I lay beside you, my head in the crook of your knee, the binky resting on your hip, I know that you and I will be together for always. As you stroke my face and turn your mouth up as humans do when amused, know that no person or dog shall ever hurt you as long as I draw breath. No illness, hunger, pain or sorrow shall sway me in my devotion to you. I am your king, and I stand ever ready to guard you against the perils of the world. Though I paid no price to own you, you are utterly and completely mine. I shall never fail you. I shall never leave you. I shall love you fully and completely, until my reign over this kingdom has come to an end.
Yours forever,
Boo Radley
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