Saturday, May 3, 2014

Volume 2, Page Six

Another trip to the big meadow today, where we encountered a very unpleasant little female dog. She seems to be confused regarding the span of my kingdom. It will be a dark day when I let a nasty creature like that usurp my lands. However I did receive a harsh rebuke for attempting to dispatch her, and so I allowed my person to step in and deal with the issue. She felt it best that we retreat to the other end of the meadow. She is a silly person, but she is mine, and so I did as she asked of me.

I do enjoy the rides in the great snorting person wagon however. Unfortunate that the yellow one acts like a fool, climbing to and fro from the front of the wagon to the back. It is a wagon. What could possibly be more interesting up front? I prefer to rest quietly until we arrive at our destination, but then, I am a more experienced traveler. All in all it was an interesting if not completely pleasant day. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

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