Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chapter One, Page Eighteen

These little persons seem to have taken up residence here. While I enjoy them I do wish my person would thin the herd somehow. They are EVERYWHERE...tossing the binky, rubbing my fur the wrong way, speaking their silly nonsense words, barking at each other, running to my person or her mother with complaints and water pouring out of their eyeballs. It wearies a dog, it really does. They even came along on our nightly stroll, bringing the yellow one and babbling and fighting over who got to hold our leashes.

As we were on our evening walk, it occurred to me that I can't really remember the time before my person joined my kingdom. I suffer from no strange memory loss, it only seems like a dream, or the life of some other dog. I cannot imagine what I would do without her laying by my side, scratching my belly, singing my songs to me, preparing my dinner. Before I became her dog and she my person, what did she do? Who protected her? I simply do not see how she survived alone in this dangerous world. These are the things you wonder about when you bring an orphaned person into your castle. Once more I think how strange and wonderful it would be if she could bark.

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