Friday, October 12, 2012

Chapter One, Page Eight

"It was very satisfying playing with the small persons last night, but twenty four hours of them is quite annoying. The only highlight of my day was the moment one of the little person puppies opened the door...I made a mad dash for the streets and led them all a merry chase. My person came home smelling of puppy. This concerns me.

She often smells of other dogs, but I tell myself it is only that a dog passed her by on the street and rubbed against her. Surely she would not betray me in this way, but I cannot help but wonder, is there another dog? Is she leading some kind of wild separate life? Is our relationship just a lie? I think on these things with a heavy heart, and I become sullen and angry and vow never to love her again. Then she calls to me with those sweet words, 'Bring me the binky, where is your Binky?' and my heart leaps for joy as all suspicion is forgotten. I will say this dear readers-

Love is not for the weak.

Your benevolent ruler, Boo Radley."

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