Saturday, May 3, 2014

Volume 2, Page Five

Today my person show marked improvement in her behavior. We went to the big meadow and there were many wonderful smells, although I spent quite a lot of time marking the territory. I shall not stand for any encroachment upon my meadow, far as it may be from the castle. There was much tossing of the Binky, and the agreeable small male person who sometimes visits gave rousing chase several times. Of course the yellow one came along, and daftly ran about sniffing the ground and making her ridiculous snuffling noises. She has no desire to chase the Binky, only to swoop in and steal it when my person is not keeping watch. I used to punish her but now I just let it pass. It must be horrible to be that foolish. I am quite exhausted and now shall bed down at my person's feet for my night's rest.

Yours contentedly,
Boo Radley

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