Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Volume 2-Page Fifteen

So many things to say tonight, dear readers. As if she could see into my mind, my person took me to meet my archenemy in battle tonight! I was thrilled, but upon arrival I became nervous and unsure. Then while playing evening games I refused to lay down next to dogs I did not know. I became quite nasty and ill-tempered with my person, I'm sorry to say. However like always she seems to forget even the most immediate past events, and at the end of that very same game she praised me as if I had never treated her badly at all. I was quite ashamed of myself. Persons are simple-minded in their devotion, and as the stronger creature I should try harder to protect her and be deserving of her loyalty. I behaved quite well after that unfortunate event, and in fact my person, not I, received several corrections. It seems time has dulled her memory of the Canine Mastery person's rules of battle.
But this was the least of our adventures. On our return to the castle, traveling much faster than any dog or person in our wagon, we heard a loud rattling and the wagon began to shake. My person immediately guided the wagon to the side of the road, and upon inspecting the right front paw of the wagon, she began to remove it, and replaced it with another smaller paw. It was quite frightening with all those wagons whizzing by like huge metal birds of prey. I was relieved when we finally returned to the castle, and am now utterly spent.
Yours in exhaustion,
Boo Radley

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