Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chapter Four, Page Four

Another day filled with playing of the Binky. I am so glad life at the castle is returning to normality. The persons moved the big circle with wood in it to the backyard. I thought it was a giant food area, so I continually claimed possession by dropping my Binky inside its circle. Imagine my surprise when my person's mother set it on fire! I could have lost my Binky forever!

Fire, dear readers, is a stuff that can be both lovely and dangerous. It is a great red and yellow monster that eats wood and gives off a delightful heat when it is contained. Out of all the creatures I have encountered in my life, only persons seem to be able to accomplish this feat.

I did become excited and overreact when the yellow one chased me and nipped at my flanks. My person corrected me, and it was quite unpleasant. However, we soon forgave each other and all was well. The big tall one continues to stay here, and she is quite vocal. I hope she finds her castle soon.

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