Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chapter Four, Page Twelve

It has been a strange and wonderful time in the castle. Two nights ago the castle was invaded by strange-looking little people howling and yipping and running through the meadow. They buried their faces in water trying to find food, they ate (and dropped!) so many wonderful things. I was perturbed by their howling near the royal bedchamber, and tried to bark at them to stop, but they only howled mirthfully and stuck their hands in the royal bedchamber to pet me. They seem like good-natured little creatures, but really I cannot fathom why anyone would allow them to congregate in such large numbers.

My person also looked different that night. She wore strange tall fur on her head, and her skin was grey and mottled. I thought perhaps she was ill, but she did not act it. Late in the evening she played in the water and reappeared in her normal skin. I was much relieved. It has been lovely in the back meadow, searching out fallen bits of food discarded by the little person-pups.

I have had an exhausting game of Binky today with the small persons who live in the castle, and now I really must retire. I bid you a fond goodnight, dear readers.

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