Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chapter Three, Page One

Spent much of the day in the meadow behind the castle. Evening was spent with the Canine Mastery woman. Her attractive brindle female was there, as well as the silver one and a muscular male whose name is very similar to my own. There was a large one there whom I have not seen before tonight. 

My person asked me to climb upon a table, and then a tree stump. I do not know why, but this gave her great satisfaction. We also learned a new game, called 'Come' and she seemed VERY pleased when I performed well at this new thing. I heard the Canine Mastery woman make this sound, 'basicobediencetest'. It seemed to make my person a little nervous. I feel it has to do with a challenge of games. If so, my person should not be nervous. I enjoy the games, and I especially enjoy performing them perfectly! I am almost offended at her worry, and then I remind myself she is merely a person, and knows no better. I shall rise to the challenge with vigor!

Your exuberant leader,
Boo Radley

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